Everyday Connor


5 Things I learned From Posting A Bikini Photo on Instagram

*CAUTION: If you’re not a fan of body positivity, self-love, or celebrating how far you’ve come, this is not the blog for you. 

I posted a bikini photo of myself on Instagram! See that girl? She’s joyful. I preach about showing up for yourself, not only on the gram but in real life as well. Last month, I posted my most vulnerable photo on the gram. Ah! I was so nervous. 

Why was I so nervous? Did I think people wouldn’t show up for me? Was I afraid people would unfollow? Maybe brands would want to collab with me afterward? ALL OF THE ABOVE. Despite all of those thoughts running through my head, I CLICKED POST!

It was out there. So now what? Do I delete it? Then the comments started coming in.

1) Your tribe will show up for you

Let’s be honest I was terrified, but confident when I posted the a bikini photo of myself on Instagram. I was terrified because I, like anyone else, wouldn’t want someone to tease or make fun of me. That’s a given. At the same time, I was so confident when I clicked post. Why? I was posting my truth in the rawest and vulnerable way.

Comments of support, encouragement, and pure celebration flooded my feed. Reading their words brought me to tears. My people, my tribe, they came. They were cheering me on in ways I could’ve only imagined. But, I reminded myself, that’s what this platform was for. To build a community, a tribe that rallies around one another inspire and lifts one another. 

2) Connect with Your Tribe

I’ll be honest with you; I used to be so self-conscious about my stretch marks. So I tried using concealer, cover-up, tinted sunscreen, you name, I bought it. Then, I showed my stretch marks to my entire following and the brands/companies that collaborate with me – something I never thought I would do, by the way. 

This post was my most liked, commented, and shared post. Why? I think it resonated with people. I think people saw themselves in me, and I genuinely felt like I connected with people on a whole different level – society is ready to change the definition of beauty.

3) I reclaimed my definition of beautiful 

Why did I post it? I wanted to show how beautiful I felt like I was. Unfortunately, I am not society’s standard of beauty. I prioritized how other people viewed me rather than celebrating how fearfully and wonderfully God made me. 

I am beautiful because I have chosen to see myself as such and please understand I don’t mean to come across as narcissistic. I said this to say you are beautiful because you decide you are. It doesn’t matter what society thinks of you. Take your power back. You have the ability…the responsibility to define what’s beautiful and babe….it starts with you. 

I can tell you I have learned to love my stripes. Why? Because they tell a story. Celebrate those stretch marks, babe. They’re the stripes of someone who has gone through hell and rejoiced on the other side of things.

4) Whatever is holding you back, take it off, throw it away, get rid of it, and JUST LIVE. 

I encourage you to put on the damn suit, take the towel off and accept my invitation to LIVE! If it’s not about a suit, that’s okay; the message and concept are still the same. LIVE. Don’t let society or anyone else, for that matter, hold you back and keep you from showing up for yourself and making memories!

5) The importance of leading by example⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀

In this day of influence, I encourage you to seek to be worth knowing rather than well known. I love telling you about sales, outfits, products, etc., but I want to make sure I’m leaving you feeling inspired, empowered, and encouraged.

Put the suit on. Take the towel off and live. Love you bunches, babes! You GOT this! You’ve ALWAYS had it. Know that I am forever cheering you on.


Your loudest cheerleader on the gram 😉 – ME

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